Admission Procedure

Registration forms are available with the admission counselor at school campus.

The registration fee is neither refundable nor transferable and is valid for the specified academic year only.

Registration of a child is not a guarantee of his/her admission.

Fees to be deposited in School admission cell.

Fees Structure

  • The school charges a very reasonable tution fees and imparts best Quality education to all aspiring students. For detailed fee structure kindly visit the school.
  • Parents are requested to issue cheques/DD in favour of SANSKAR WORLD SCHOOLand attach it to the school copy of the Invoice duly filled by the parents.
  • Please write your Child’s name, Admission Number, Class and Section on the back side of the cheque.
  • If the cheque is dishonoured by the bank due to any reason, a penalty of Rs 500/- will be levied as cheque returning charges along with late fee payment.
  • Fees will be charged monthly or on a quarterly basis as per the Parent’s wish, to be payable by the 10thof every month/quarter.               
  • School bills must be settled by the 10th of the month for which they relate to or as specified. A fine of Rs. 50/-will be charged upto last day of the month and thereafter a fine of Rs.100/- per day will be charged.
  • If fee is not deposited till the continuous 3 months, the name of the student will be struck-off the rolls and re-admission will be considered subject to availability of seats and at the discretion of the Principal.
  • Fee for the month of March and June will be submitted with the Fee of February and May respectively.
  • Parents should not expect any reminder or re-issue of invoice from the school for payment of fee & dues.
  • Fee once paid will not be refunded.
  • For any change in student data, parents are requested to submit their application along with required documents at the front office.
    The admission slip given by the office after completion of admission formalities, must be brought on the first day of school and handed over to the office.